Last week I posted a thread asking about who knew any "real anointed" and got some cracking replies.
That got me to thinking, as someone brought up in the 70's and 80's in the Watchtower religion, my experience of bible studeis in their homes and those who made it to the hall were mostly batshit crazy or at least people with some serious quirks.
I'll relate a few, none of whose names I remember with any clarity.
In our cong we had an older couple who were from London, but who had been in the 1950's in the circuit work in the mid west USA. They brought along some woman one night they had started a study with who told everyone cheerfully she was a recovering alcoholic and this was her cure (coming to the meetings). This went on for a few weeks until one night they brought her to the memorial and she was royally pissed, and I mean barely able to stand; and went up to the platform table and necked some wine. Looking back this poor woman was in serious need of professional help and the last thing she needed was the local cong dispensing their WT wisdom as a cure for alcoholism.
She stopped coming after a few months and I have no idea what happened to her. I hope for her sake she got the help she needed.
Another time I went to an older mans house with an elder who had started a bible study and this guy was telling us that the instructions for building a time machine were buried in the bible. He was studying with various religions to see if he could find the key to how to do it. What amazed me was that this elder actually entertained him! Another one that didnt make the grade.
A final one was back in the 70's my mother started a study with what appeared to be a relativley stable woman of her own age who for some reason couldnt say the name Jehovah and out of the "Live Forever" book cut out all the reference to the name. Needless to say another one who never got to baptism.
My point is that of all the hundreds if not thousand of studies that went on in the hall I attended over a 20 year period, perhaps only a dozen tops made it to full bona fide witnesses. The majority of converts were brought ups.
My take on it is also that going door to door, the JW's only seriously seem to engage in people with personality disorders or very needy people just looking for company but who by the nature of their personality defects, never would be ideal witness candidtates.
I'd be interested to hear you experiences...